
Writers Wanted!

If you just read that headline and corrected me, then you’re a writer and reader of great humor…! These are the 2 spots I’d like for you:

Writer: Artist Of The Week

As writer for this segment of the site, You have to be passionate about music! Also, since this segment is on the ETS Show,  you’d need to send me clues every Monday so I can give them to the guests that come on day of show. Also at the end of the month you’d have to pick a Legend for the AOTW. If your interested then I’m looking forward to speaking with you!

Click here to see ARTIST OF The WEEK Section!


Writer: Album Reviewer

We get tons of submissions daily and we need someone who likes listening to music and can express instrumentation through words! You also have the liberty to not even listen to the music submissions we get! All we ask is you write!

I can’t pay you…yet! I’m working on raising donations and its tough! I understand that all great writers are destitute, so if you have internet, you’re not destitute~


Learn About Our Sticker Program

Email Me and in the subject line please put which of the 2 you can do! Thank you,

