
The Best Rapper Around: Natalie Portman

When you talk about the world’s greatest rappers, names like B.I.G., 2Pac, Run-DMC, KRS-One, EPMD and Big Daddy Kane immediately come to mind.  There is a new name to add to the mix:  Natalie Portman.  Don’t let this Oscar nominated actress fool you, she has some major street cred!  I heard that she didn’t even graduate as the Valadictorian of her class from Harvard.  What iz up wit dat yo!  She’z jus tryin’ to keeps it real tho!  Anyways, Eminem has nothing on her, she has some major issues to work through.  I have provided a video for you all to cream over, she is blowin’ my mind!  Her skillz will help her pay da billz!  I think that Ms. Portman should take over for the Beastie Boys instead of Jay-Z, who is by far a less superior entertainer!  Portman has now added rapper to her incredible list of talents.  I can’t wait for her CD to drop, look for it on tha mean streetz of Beverly Hillz!