In this Second Installment of “Out Side The Shell” Turrtle returns to Rev Winery to catch up with Kilan “Key” Smith from “Open Bottle Society” to see how he is doing in his marathon to raise funds for a Brewery In Las Vegas!
Category: Podcasts
Out Side The Shell: Open Bottle Society prt1
In this webisode, Turrtle travels to Rev Winery to meet up with the Open Bottle Society , to be a guest on their 48 hour webcast to raise funds to build a brewery!
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 58 “Dani Sciacca”
In this episode of the Tortoise & The Hare Experience, we’re going through more submissions that were sent to us!
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 57 “Hal Sparks”
“”My Motto: Care enough not to Give a Sh!t”” — Hal Sparks Enters The Experience! #NuffSaid
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 56 “Scott Wilson”
Scott Wilson is a professional touring/recording bass player with a versatile performing style and singing solid background vocals. Now He Enters The Experience!
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 55 “Music Submissions”
In this episode of the Tortoise & The Hare Experience, we’re going through more submissions that were sent to us! And we brought along some guest as well! we’re talking Acting with some actors as well as playing some great music! Tune In!
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 54 “Justin Loose”
Justin Loose is a 2 time Grammy nominated guitar player from his work with Marco Barrientos and has been working in the music industry since 2006. Currently, Justin is traveling full-time with Warner brothers artist, RaeLynn.
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 53 “Mikey Lopez of 9Electric”
Today we welcome back Mikey Lopez of 9Electric! A band that is not just a product of the Hollywood scene, but a band that helped build today’s scene.
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 52 “music submissions”
This week we take a look at what music has been sent to us!
Tortoise & The Hare Experience Ep 51 “Jack Cash”
Jack Cash is the singer in Downtown Attraction, a Los Angeles Rock n’ Roll band…Jack goes into the experience!