Podcasts What The Music?!

What The Music?! Vol. # 151

In this episode of “What The Music” we’re cracking open the computer and playing some submissions you sent in!

Here’s who we played:

Serial Chiller – Selfish
It wrestles with the restlessness of jumping from one thing to the next, looking for a dopamine fix. It guides you through clickbait and personality quizzes, declaring the instant gratification of distraction as the sole pursuit of modern life.


Bummer Camp – Pass Out
a towering wall of sound, marked by searing guitar placed in opposition to soothing vocals that drip with melancholy. Shoe Gaze For Your Souls.


MK ULTRAS Fading Away
these beat freaks are channeling their authentic Clevo-punk roots and are poised to deliver a savage sonic experience that is unapologetically raw and electrifying.


Naked Giants – Apartment 3
Couldn’t help but play this as I live in a #3 Condo!


Sunset Rubdown – Cliché Town
a shining example of how different a finished song can sound from its demo once it’s been rewritten and delivered by a group of unique musicians.


Broken Record – Joe Hill’s Last Will
With 50+ years of sonically diverse alternative music to draw from, it seems intuitive that a band would utilize the full scope of sounds available to them in order to synthesize something uniquely their own.

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